Mrs Poulgrain asked Room 7 to make Aotearoa Panels these were our instructions;
.Get little ideas in your head about what relates to our country,
.Sketch them out on the paper,
.Think about the colours your going to use,
.Practice shading with your colours if you wanted to shade,
.Start to paint your backround first,
.You had to choose were you felt comfortable to start painting either top or bottom.
.You had to have a little boundary between the sections,
Here is the Slide-Show of Room 7s Aotearoa Panels;
Govett Brewster Art Gallery Trip, Term 4
On Thursday the 24th of November, Room 7 went to the Art Gallery to learn about Len Lye’s sculptures that are very unique and amazing.
First we went and sat down in a large room filled with paintings and we had to draw some shapes from the drawings also we looked at the only sculpture in the room called the ‘Storm Lord’. Then we went upstairs and looked at two more sculptures called the ‘Universe’ and ‘The Moon Bead’ which were powered by a magnet. The Universe used to be called the Loop but it got changed because a nine year old boy thought it was cooler to be called the Universe so it was called the Universe and now has meaning.Then we went to the dark room and saw lots of cool sculptures like the bells and the fountain things. That you will see in the slide show.
Then we went into the studio and made our own sculptures that moved by a motor and then we lit them up. They looked amazing
Len Lye Art - making a free slideshow
Want to play the music to ? Move your mouse over the bottom of the slideshow to see controls.
This year our class created cartoon portraits of our families as artwork for 2012 calendars
Cartoon Calendar Art - free slideshow maker
Want to play the music to ? Move your mouse over the bottom of the slideshow to see controls.